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tv   Early Start  CNN  September 26, 2013 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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but basically, it's the same as going grocery shopping at the beginning of the week for seven days. you should have better things to get mad about. >> we're with you, nick. keep living the dream. we can't wait to see what you come up with next. that's it for us. "early start" begins now. in four days, the u.s. government could shut down. fierce partisan fight over obamacare in congress, can they put aside their differences and end this budget battle? >> there are indicators that alexus was prepared to die during the attack and accepted death as the inevitable consequence of his actions. >> driven by delusions and ready to die. this chilling new video of the navy yard shooter as he chased and stalked his victims. she's beautiful.
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but, hopefully, he'll get justice. i hope. >> that is the mother hoping for justice as a teacher who raped her 14-year-old daughter gets out of jail, having served his 30-day sentence. just -- >> 30 days, you heard that right. good morning, everyone. welcome to "early start" i'm john berman. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. >> nice and early, 5:01 in the east. nice to have you with us. mark your calendars, everyone. the government shutdown is scheduled to start four days from now, but this morning, there are signs of progress. senate negotiators greg agreein speed up passage of a bill. this comes on the heels of texas senator ted cruz one-man crusade against obamacare. a 21-hour talk-athon that fell
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largely on deaf ears in the senate and it did win applause from tea party activists around the country. still, all of that might be a side show. the most serious issue facing congress now is the matter of raising the debt limit to avoid a u.s. default that is even more critical deadline and it's coming more quickly than anyone thought. we get more now from cnn's dana bash. >> reporter: it would be one thing for the government to shut down in four days. national parks would close. medical research interrupted. but then economic catastrophe would come 17 days later when the u.s. could default on its loan in congress didn't raise the debt ceiling. the white house is warning not to use it as a bargaining trip. >> there is no negotiating over congress's responsibility to assure we don't default. >> reporter: as soon as saturday, cnn is being told that house republicans to raise the
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debt ceiling and adds several gop priorities like the keystone pipeline or delaying obamacare for one year. >> the real play here is going to be leading up to the debt ceiling discussion where we could get a full delay for a year, including taxes of obamacare, and i think the president is ready to do that. >> reporter: fat chance, say democrats. >> their strategy will fail, because the financial markets will pistol-whip the republican conference into doing then, what they should be doing now, and that is pay america's bills. >> reporter: but let's go back to that first deadline, the looming government shutdown. senator, i know you're exhausted. ted cruz finally sat down after his headline grabbing. >> i do not like green bay eggs and ham. i tweeted a speech that ashton kutcher gave. >> reporter: 21-hour take-athon.
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how do you feel standing there so long? >> i feel terrific and energized the american people had an opportunity, i hope, to engage in this debate and have their voice heard. >> reporter: cruz still wants to only fund the government if obamacare is defunded. dana bash, cnn, capitol hill. four minutes past the hour. federal investigators convinced that navy yard shooting suspect was mentally little. authorities have now relieved video showing alexis inside the navy yard building during thirst killing spree. cnn's joe johns has more on that. >> reporter: ten days after the shooting, the phish relieved the gripping silence surveillance video of aaron alexis carrying out his deadly attack. he drives into the navy yard in his rented preas. the camera picks him up as he
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enters the building. >> there are indicators that alexis was prepared to die during the attack and that he accepted death as the inevitable consequence of his actions. >> reporter: you can see him carrying his bag. hidden inside, a sawed off remington 870 which he removed in the bathroom. photos released show he left the bag behind. 22 minutes after driving in, surveillance picks him up. you see him move downstairs and make his way down another hall as people flee through a connecting hallway. in addition to seeing this chilling tape, we are are also getting a sharper picture of what drove alexis. >> there are multiple indicators that alexis held a delusional belief that he was being controlled or influenced by extremely low frequency or elf, electromagnetic waves. >> reporter: the fbi relieved
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photos of his gun and the etchings carved into the gun. while the investigation into the mental illness that sewed the seats for the attack continues, agents said they found writings by alexis that explained in plain language why he said he did it. >> a document retrieved from the electronic mead impra stated, quote, ultimate low frequency attack is what i've been subject to for the last three months and, to be perfectly honest, that is what has driven me to this. >> reporter: investigators don't believe he targeted specific people in his 60-minute killing spree. joe johns, cnn, washington. meeting on the sidelines of the u.n. general assembly will be the highest talk between the two countries in decades.
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news president rouhani struck a moderate tone saying iran is not interested in developing a nuclear weapon. the crisis in syria. nearly a dozen of the biggest syrian rebel groups breaking with the western backed opposition to form an alliance to create an islamic state. it throws a monkey wrench in the efforts to have rebel groups to topple assad. in egypt, relations with the united states are right now unsettled. that is according to egypt's foreign minister. he is telling the associated president, egypt has been through two revolutions in less than three years, and his nation is still trying to identify its enemies and its friends. a federal judge sentencing a man for conspiring to sell
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rifles and missiles to the taliban. he had served as a translator for u.s. forces in iraq. he and a second man arrested in romania and extradited to the united states. about 8 minutes after the hour. let's get a check of the weather with indra petersons. >> at least it's nice and dry in the north. the southeast, this is just three days. take a look at these totals. almost 7 inches of rain. at this point, they are sick of the rain. it's month after months of rain and finally it looks like a hint of a breather. they will see more dry air moving in and that stationary front out of the way.
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water vapor shows you where the moisture and dry air. brown is the dry air and it's finally exiting the region and a break for them today and you deserve it, you need it. the other side. we are watching for potential after low development to make its way up the coastline and that could mean it could turn into a rainy weekend but for now good news. it is staying dry and things will be pretty nice. new york city looking for about 70 today and staying that way through the weekend. love this fall weather in the 70s. pittsburgh looking for about 75. overall, good news that florida is drying out and we are also staying dry. >> waiting for this day. >> hip hip hooray! >> do you have a hundred dollar bill handy? >> never! >> it would have been so old school because ben franklin is getting a makeover. it is cutting edge with more color and 3d security ribbon and greater texture on ben's color
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as well. government officials say with the modifications people will be able to check for fake 100s without going to the bank or using that back light they normally use. the new bill will go into circulation on october 8th. >> i've had like 300 dollar bills in my life. when do you have a 100 dollar bill? >> never, never. they are heard to break. i never keep hundred dollar bills. coming up, a mother's call for justice as a teacher who raped her 14-year-old daughter finishes his one-month prison sentence. i saw it go on just as much as everybody else. i'm just as much at fault for not making a stop. >> oh, my goodness! my favorite story of the day. community shocked when a high school football coach suspends his entire team. the life lesson he demanded his team learn! ale announcer ] if ss serving up sneezes...
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13 minutes past the hour. anger over 30-day sentence for rape and rising again in montana. protesters are calling for the judge who dloivered that sentence to step down. just as the man convicted of the crime finishes serving his time. we will get more from cnn's ka young law. >> the last 31 days, prison is stacey rambold's home and he is set to walk out now after serving one month behind bars for raping his 14-year-old student cherice moralez. the mother says cherice was convicted. before the sentence was heard, cherice committed sued. >> she was beautiful. but hopefully, he'll get justice. i hope. >> reporter: justice has failed at every step, says cherice's
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mother. not only did she lose her daughter, but then the judge todd baugh handed down the short sentence saying moralez looked older than her chronological age and she looked the age of the 49-year-old rambold. the judge has admitted the sentence may have been illegal. state laws mandate a two-year minimum for this crime. the sentence and the judge's comments sparked national outrage. earlier this week, petitions with 140,000 signatures were delivered to a montana judicial watchdog panel demanding judge baugh's removal. in courts prosecutors have appealed baugh's sentence and hoping to send rambold back to prison and for the victim's mother, a cry for justice. a hollow search along a trail of anguish. does that pain ever fade?
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>> no. no. i think we just get used to it, so you don't cry every day. >> reporter: kyung lah, cnn, billings, montana reason an attorney for aeg said michael jackson was responsible for his own health and he overdosed why his own bedroom behind closed doors. aeg had no idea that murray was giving jackson propofol.
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>> a judge had formally signed an arrest warrant monday charge canales with two counts of murder. we know how two cars containing six bodies pulled from an oklahoma lake after more than 40 years we now know more about how they got there. a trooper says no evidence of foul play. he says engine damage to the 1969 camaro points to a collision and 1952 chevrolet may have rolled into the lake. both cars were brought to the surface last week after discovered in a sonar dive. >> i'm looking forward to john berman chiming in on this story. days before their homecoming game, players from a high school football team in utah have been banned from the field. union high school's entire football team has been suspended. coach matt labrum made the
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decision after repeated complaints of bullying and disrespect and poor grades among his players. instead of practicing, the team spent the week doing community service and attending meetings. >> it's an honor to put on your school's jersey and i think sometimes we lose that fact in the world of me, me, me, you're representing the whole school, the whole community. >> reporter: players we spoke with are behind the suspension saying the lesson is sinking in. coach labrum says he will still play the game tomorrow but players have to complete the week of character building before they can hit the field. i'm celebrating this story. i am so happy and proud of this coach and you say? >> they are still playing the game. >> it didn't go far enough is what you're saying? >> by all accounts the team got the message and they can community service and now change the way they are living life in that school but they are still playing the game tomorrow.
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they missed a week of practice and they may have wanted to miss a week of practice than having to run laps. i think missing a game would have been the sacrifice that a lot of people are treating this to be. i'm not sure this is the sacrifice that its being given credit for. >> it's interesting to see how it plays out. if there is really a change in culture there. >> that's all that matters. >> all that matters if they change the behavior. my issue, it doesn't matter, as long as the behavior changes. >> i can't wait to see. loved it. 19 minutes after the hour. and coming up, a money time battle of the sexes. does not bode well for me. who is better at handling household budgets? >> women. >> no, no, no. >> women. >> we will find out the news answer with christine romans as if she is going to be honest with us. >> what? of course, she is! it's women. this is an easy, no-brainer. neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past.
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that's three new paper shredders. [ boris ] put 'em on my spark card. [ garth ] boris' small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase every day. great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. read back the chicken's testimony, please. "buk, buk, bukka!" [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase every day. told you i'd get half. what's in your wallet? told you i'd get half. (musciao ninithroughout) ah, mirabai, mirabai, mirabai hi patsy jambo gooday cobba dude look what the cat dragged in eduardo lucas oh! mama ni hao ma hello mama namaste wrong number? let me talk hi bon jour priviet woohoo this is dr. flamenco. "dr. flamenco?"
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for a strong bag that grips the can... ♪ get glad forceflex. small change, big difference. i do like this. ♪ >> it is money time! time for the money time dance, everyone. >> we love music in the morning. >> i hope we have good news. >> why the world of stocks at record highs if there is no good news in washington? that is the question i bring to you today. congress might shut down the government and even worse, congress might not pay the bills they have racked up so we are in a month of very scary financial brinkmanship and no wonder we had dow day number five down for the dow and s&p.
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stocks fell across the board. the dow losing more than 60 points yesterday. the five-day losing tally for the dow 540 points. budget battles matter to investors and main street. if there is a shutdown it will be stupid. if the government shuts down, be very clear, you'll likely get your social security checks. it will cause a ripple effect and be dangerous. it was a volatile day for the retailer. look at the bloomberg chart. they were cutting to suppliers and walmart said it was true and crazy and false report. the stock immediately turned around and bounced back. crazy drama on the walmart stock yesterday but it did manage to
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recover those losses. here is what we teased for you. the relationship of money and love. a complicated relationship, right? few things are more misunderstood in a relationship than money. i wanted to bring you this new fidelity study this week shows things are improving with couples and their money. surprisingly 9 in 10 couples agree they communicate well about money but here is the surprise. for some reason, many women still defer to men on money issues at a time when women are earning more. >> who are these women? >> it is surprising. fidelity head of investment strategy thinks while men are more more aggressive, women are more savvy investors. listen. >> target date or balance funds at a higher proportion than men. those tend to be well structured and design products that help weather the downturns in the market and help maintain the disciplined investing approach so women tend to be a little more conservative but that conservative plays out in a very
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strong way towards investment success. >> interesting. right? i just think it's so interesting that women are taking control of the finances at such a large rate and they are earning more money and in the workplace more. in a large and growing share of couples, they are outearning their husbands or partners but men are nor aggressive and project nor confidence about money. the study underscores for women to take more financial responsibility in life. honey, you're going to outlive him so you need to know everything about the money. sorry, john, i hate to tell you this. >> you knew this. >> one bad news item after another here! the end is near for me is what with you're saying? >> the headline here is that 9 out of 10 couples say they do communicate well about money. >> you said you would be surprised and i thought you were kidding but i am surprised about that. i thought women were handling the overall budget. is it when they are investing they feel uneasy about the
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investments? >> you don't take the big risk. and then there is the work force part of it too where women now we are talking about leaning in. much are much more likely for ask for a race. men likely to ask for a raise at their first job. the woman takes the first salary. over the course of a lifetime 500,000 difference in your lifetime earnings, because not all women but i'm generalizing but the studies and research shows about the behavior. >> it's all good to know. thank you. >> we will be right back. >> at least right now. >> at least right now. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™. vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999.
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a government shutdown just four days away. will congress hold the economy hostage or actually act for real? we have new developments this morning. the fbi and kenya investigating a mall massacre that left dozens dead. the new questions this morning. how the terrorists pulled off their attack. we are live with that. i was flirting with him and i thought he was cute and i was excited to meet him. >> the vegan stripper and the messages it shares. you be the judge how racy they are. >> stick around and tell us whether you think this is racy. we are having a big discussion
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about that this morning. >> as big as you can have. voting to move forward with a bill to keep the government up and running at least for a couple of months. the unanimous vote. up to the republicans to take the next step. shutdown deadline is four days away. a second more krcritical battle ahead. october 17th is the date. treasury secretary jack lew says the government will reach its borrowing limits and those battle lines are being drawn. >> there is no goshting over congre congress. >> we will we could get a full delay for a year, including
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taxes of obamacare, and i think the president is ready to do that. >> democrats say that is not going to happen. meanwhile, with health insurance schangs sexchanges se next month, obama is trying to ease concerns and he will be talking about millions of uninsured americans finally have coverage once his plan is in place. a team of fbi experts joining the investigation into the malmassacre in nairobi, kenya, now. officials are searching the are you able of the westgate shopping mall for clues and they are also searching for bodies. at least 61 civilians and six security officers were killed in the attack by al shabaab terrorists. the death toll, unfortunately, is expected to rise as they look through all of the rubble. arwa damon is live in nairobi. what is the latest there, arwa?
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>> reporter: as you're saying, the investigation is ongoing. it's just behind us over to the right, the location of the westgate mall. there are security teams still on the ground as well and it is being sealed off because it is a crime seen at this stage. a lot of questions being asked about how this attack was able to take place. did, for example, the attackers have access to blueprints of the mall? did they manage to presmuggle in some of the weapons that they used and what is the kenya government going to do in the future to stop these from happening in the future. five attackers are dead. their bodies believed to be buried beneath the are you able. some of the detentions happening at the airport and some happening in the city itself asbestos five are detained. 10 to 15 the government had originally said. a lot of questions about the
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hostages and all of those people that are missing or unaccounted for. according to the red cross, more than 65 people still. we were at the main city morgue here yesterday where families, since the government had announced the siege had ended, gathered and hoping for information about their loved ones and waiting for body to arrive. interestingly, no bodies arrived at the main city morgue yesterday. while we were there we meant a woman, janet, who we had met before. she had found her husband's body on the tuesday. she was there waiting, trying to get it relieved to her. she was unsuccessful. the authorities saying it was still part of this police investigation. you can imagine how utterly devastating this has been. in janet's case, she and her husband had been married since they were 24 and she said he was the love of her life. >> that is so awful. we have been talking to you about this woman janet and whether or not she had found her loved one. so sad. great reporting for us there,
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arwa damon. police are looking for the man they say shot two people killing one at a business near a popular shopping mall on long island. cops say sang ho kim was mad about a business deal with the light company where he opened fire. police say he fled in a white honda suv. roosevelt field mall and nearby schools locked down several hours as a precaution. the 3-year-old boy wounded last week in chicago's park has been relieved from the hospital. police believe the shooting was retaliation for an earlier incident. four people are now facing charges, including attempted murder. investigators are trying to figure out what caused a single-engine plane to crash into a bank parking lot in suburban chicago last night. a female passenger was killed and pilot severely injured when the plane went down in boling
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brook, that crashed into a tree and lightly pole and three vehicles before bursting into flames. jackson was born five days early as floods were wiping out his hometown of lyons, colorado. is he cute! the national guard rescued his parents from the rising water but mom went into labor. they got to the hospital despite all of the washed out roads and just in the nick of time. >> i had to have a c-section and then he wasn't breathing. >> so many variables, one thing -- if one thing went wrong, everything could have went wrong. >> right. . it's just overwhelming. >> i had to have a c-section and then he wasn't breathing. >> he looks awesome. >> he looks much older. jack jackson's nickname is flash and he is a hope for lyon as it tries to recover. a great symbol of hope.
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>> good looking kid, too. big, strong looking little boy! >> strappy young man there! let's get a look at the rest of the weather here. >> i think he might keep the name flash. call me flash. we are talking about something else. snow. it wasn't like a little dusting. >> i was just making sure. the last time i thought it was snow, you said it is rain. there are the flakes! >> these are just for you! >> i can tell. >> we have pictures! >> how much? >> like a foot of snow in the tetons. the first early big snowstorm of the year and definitely not what people were hoping for this early. there is the big pacific northwest storm. still bringing 1 to 3 inches in the low elevations and possibly a foot in the higher elevations and gearing towards wyoming today. it is chilly. i want to show you the temperature difference and the area. many areas in the pacific northwest good 15 degrees below average. these are the highs in the afternoon. the reason east as we go towards
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the plains and midwest temperatures are 15 degrees above average. as the system makes its way across tomorrow we will talk about storms breaking or showing up across that cold front. cold air next to warm air never a good thing and see those pop up tomorrow. it would not be a senate race if there were not tweets from a stripper. in new jersey, cory booker raising eyebrows after direct messages surfaced as people see as a little flirtatious. booker exchanged messages with a 26-year-old stripper from oregon. booker told her in one of his tweets, the east coast loves you and by the east coast, i means me. >> i don't think you would have replied to me or if he wasn't interested. >> i should tell you that booker was respond to go a tweet from her which said the west coast
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loves you and by the west coast, i mean me. so he is only sort of mimicking what she said. the two never met. cory booker spokesman says there is nothing there. i'm moderately impressed that the woman isn't only a stripper but a vegan strip club in oregon. i t does it matter? seriously. >> let's investigate this, berman. >> coming up, cnn investigation vegan strip clubs. former george w. bush takhe marriage of a two common friends in maine. a facebook picture was posted of bush signing the marriage license. gay marriage became legal in
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maine last december. turnabout is fair play after bono's awesome impression of bill clinton. the former president bill clinton returned the favor during an interview with piers morgan on his take on the philanthropist. take a listen. >> what am i to know? in ireland, we can imitate anybody. i've been singing so long and screaming loud at these concerts so i'm hoarse so i have to be careful and why all of my charities only have three-letter names. red. one. and even that is more effort than u-2.
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>> i don't want to be cruel because i applaud the effort there but -- >> bad. >> a picture of chelsea on the front row, oh, no! please stop. >> you're embarrassing me, dad. coming up. >> at first, we thought they were bears. my 15-year-old ran into the house and saying they are chasing us, we have hogs! >> they are terrorized by wild hogs. we will have this whole story when we come back. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? no hidden fees. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things." ok, why's that? well uhhh... hey daddy, what's your job? daddy's a uhh florist. are you really a florist? dad, why are there shovels in the trunk? there's no shovels in my trunk. i see shovels... you don't see no shovels. just am. well, it's true. at ally there are no hidden fees. not one. that's nice. no hidden fees, no worries. ally bank.
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you work. and you want to get an mba. but going back to school is hard... because you work. now, capella university offers a revolutionary new way to get your degree. it's called flexpath and it's the most direct path, leveraging what you've learned on the job and focusing on what you need to know so you can get a degree at your pace. and graduate at the speed of you. flexpath from capella university learn more at waffle bars... fancy robes... seems every hotel has something to love... so join the loyalty program that lets you earn free nights in any of them. plus, for a limited time, members can win a free night every day. only at folks have suffered from frequent heartburn. but getting heartburn and then treating day after day is a thing of the past. block the acid with prilosec otc, and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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[ sneezes ] you're probably muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. love the air. hearty cheeseburger. creamy thai style chicken with rice. mexican-style chicken tortilla. if you think campbell's 26 new soups sound good, imagine how they taste. m'm! m'm! good! seriously here. 45 minutes past the hour. gigantic wild pigs have taken over a suburban atlanta.
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li lithonia, georgia, wild hogs roaming the yard for garbage to eat. >> his head looked like that big. i'm not kidding. i screamed and ran back in! >> we don't trap wild hogs. they are real smart. these type of hogs is in a neighborhood they probably won't go in a trap. >> they are really fast. state wildlife officials say the pigs will be aggressive if you try to get between them and their food. traps are being set and baited in hopes of catching the pigs. wow. you open your door and there is a big wild thing with six-inch tusks. it's not u.p.s. it's a wild hog! let's take a look what is coming up on "new day." kate and chris are joining us. >> i'm turning up the volume in my little ear piece because i wanted to hear what berman was saying there. >> he wasn't saying much of everything. >> there is berman and i tell you what, mock not the ferrell
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pig because those are dangerous animals. you mess with a pig, we will see who is the bacon at the end of that fight. it's a problem. have that for you later. we will talk to somebody smg that matters to every individual and household going on. we are joining in some sick way the political antics going on down there. people have misgivings about obamacare whether it's good or bad for us or costs more or costs less. kathleen sebelius will join us and talk about this. we will let her answer for the government because the exchanges will open on october 1st. the debt limit. a bigger fight than the shutdown. it means nor a shutdown to you. not some special interest group, but to you so we will talk you through it. >> we have a very moving reunion on a football field. i've watched this several times and i tear up every time i see it. a captain in the u.s. army reserves came home early from
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afghanistan to surprise her 13-year-old daughter at a wisconsin badgers came in front of 80,000 fans and not a dry eye in the house and we will talk about that moment and thank her for her service. we will have that for you today. >> how beautiful. we are looking forward to that. >> and ferrell pigs. >> you see? >> bring it on! >> you are going to be the bacon! >> you are going to be the bacon. >> they are your size! you'll see when we do this story. they have red eyes! >> are they coming in the studio? i'm a little worried! >> do you book them? book the ferrell pig. >> berman does landscaping in his house and now he is a spotsman aspot sportsman and now he is afraid. >> i am afraid! where are coming up, benches cleared! a giant brawl on the baseball field! andy scholes joins us with what
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caused all of that commotion. i cannot wait to hear that! that is coming up next on "the bleacher report." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every thought... every movement... ♪ ...carefully planned, coordinated and synchronized. ♪ performing together with a single, united purpose. ♪ that's what makes the world's leading airline... flyer friendly. ♪
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[ jen garner ] what skincare brand is so effective... so trusted... so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand. now that's beautiful. neutrogena®. ♪
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so it's one of those things that is a bad idea in baseball. when you hit a home run, you just don't sit there and admire it but that is what carlos gomez of the brewers did and it sparked a bench clearing brawl with the braves. andy scholes breaks it down in "the bleacher report." only two outcomes showing up with a pitcher hitting a home run. one, you're plunked the next time you come up or an all-out brawl will happen and what we saw last night. carlos gomez homered off paul maholm in the ninth inning and admired it a while before he started running and words were exchanged and mccann had had enough by the time gomez rounded third. he met him before he even
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touched home plate and here we did! both benches cleared. a few punches were thrown. gomez and freeman, they are both ejected from the game. gomez later apologized for his behavior via twitter saying it was unacceptable. for the second time in 19 years the new york yankees failed to make the playoffs. they lost to the rays 8-3 last night and officially eliminating them from the wild card race. this is a forgetan year for the bronx bombers. you've got the whole a-rod saga. manner rivera has been receiving all kind of gift during his retirement tour but never got a horse. colorado rockies gave todd helton a horse as a farewell gift. he is hanging up the cleats this year after spending 17 seasons with the rockies. a tennessee volunteer peyton manning was on hand for the ceremony.
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i bet you didn't know this. manning replaced helton as the vols quarterback in 1994. a cool deal. helton basically owns llvet rockies batting records and only fitting he hit a home run last night in his final game at coors field. today you can read about one of the greatest comebacks in sports history. happening in the america's cup. team new zealand had eight chances to win the series but oracle team usa would not give up and yesterday they won the final race. they were down 8-1 in this best of 17 series. they reeled off eight wins a row and people are comparing it to what you're familiar with, john, the 2004 alcs when the red sox became tack to beat the yankees. >> everything comes full circle to the red sox, right? >> the red sox won four in a row to be fair. the america's cup guys had to win eight races in a row. it's staggering and a giant
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collapse by the kiwis. they are very upset back there. >> thank you, andy. >> we will be right back. with the spark miles card from capital one, bjorn earns unlimited rewards for his small business. take these bags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjorn's small business earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth ] why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button? ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪
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♪ with our new, improved peanut butter chewy bars. [ jen garner ] what skincare brand is so effective... so trusted... so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand. now that's beautiful. neutrogena®. ♪
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all right, folks. that is it for "early start." it is time for "new day." take it away, kate. >> thank you, guys. see you in a bit. >> all right, everybody, it's time for "new day." to be honest, i feel terrific. i feel energized that the american people had an opportunity, i hope, to engage in this debate.
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>> double deadlines with the government shutdown four days away. the next fight already looming. raise the debt ceiling or go into default. can washington come to an agreement in time? prepare to die. the navy yard shooter believed he was being controlled by electromagnetic waves and never planned on getting out alive. we have new details about the deadly attack and chilling new video of the rampage before it happened. wild pig menace. hogs on the prowl terrorizing a neighborhood and we are on the scene of this "pig problem." your "new day" starts right now. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. welcome to "new day," thursday, september 26th, 6:00 in the east. yes, of course it is. coming up, secretary of state john kerry and his iranian counterpart are meeting and it
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matters. why? it will be the highest level meeting between the country since the 1979 iranian revolution. what is on the table for syria and iran's nuclear problem? we'll tell you. and former president bill clinton sat down with piers morgan in a wide-ranging interview. they covered syria to the looming government shutdown, even talking about clinton's wife's, hillary clinton's presidential ambitions. a fight breaking out between the brewers and the braves, clearing the benches, really. only the first inning. save this till the end at least. >> it looked like hockey. >> we'll tell you why a home run brought both teams on to the field. that's coming up in our


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